Are we in the Age of Aquarius?  

          I learned astrology in 1971, when we used Daltons Table of Houses and pencil and paper.  Am I thankful for Solar Fire Gold, a precise technological program that calculates for me!!

         I switched to using sidereal astrology in the year 2000, which observes the current location of the planets and stars.  Both tropical astrology, which measures the seasons, and sidereal astrology, which measures from the constellations, are valid sciences, but I have found sidereal a great deal more accurate!  This was presented as 'changed' astrology in 2011.  Well of course the skies have changed in 6000 years!

        The school of calculation which most people are familiar is seasonal, or tropical astrology.  This modality is based on calculation of where planets fall in the signs rather than in the actual consetllations where they currently travel.  

        It is important to note that both schools are valid, both work.  I find the sidereal method works best for a better future! 

        Each of us indivuals has a unique birth date, chosen by our souls as pictures or templates of them, reflected by the heavently energies when we incarnate, or choose birth.

        As the skies progress throughout our time on earth, heaven affects us with challenges, joys, new adventures!!  


       We are  not yet in the Age of Aquarius, tropically or sidereally.  The sun rises at the vernal or spring equinox on March 19 2024 at 3 degrees sidereal Pisces, so we have quite a while to go!!  Most of us will be long gone by the dawn of Aquarius.

       The sun is rising however in the sidereal and tropical 11th house in the constellation of Pisces, which is why so many of us feel that Aquarian influence.  



Why don't you use your psychic ability to win the lotto, and have a lot of money?

     Because I am rich in cats, in books, and the goodwill of my fellowman.  What is more important than that?

Who will win the superbowl? or some other game?

     The team that's most prepared!

     I will never predict the outcome of a competition; the teams, the athletes, deserve to be judged by their talent and work.

I pray and give to charity, but still have challenges.

     God is not a cosmic vending machines; put your prayers in, insert coin, and viola, a miracle.  It is we who chose our lives and developed our characters.  We are in charge of how we live and how we react to Life.

     The Universe will always give us more of what we have.  If we have an adverse mindset, we draw adversity.  If we are rich in enjoyment and positive energy, good things happen all around us.

     Challenges happen to all of us, even harsh challenges which we really don't deserve.  This is an opportunity to overcome.

      I don't offer individual charts any longer, but if you really have an issue, I will look at your charts and comment.  I love astrology, but I am pushing 70 after all!



       I craft these myself, not computer generated!    




      Shoot me an email at

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