What does the future hold?

Is this the best relationship for you?

Where can you find the perfect job?

How can you best connect with the people you work with?

Will you ever find you lost car keys????




Try A Psychic!!

     Many of you already know me from Boeing, or from the many psychic fairs in Seattle, or from Freight house Square, from scrolling through the endless psychic services online, or from flipping through the yellow trying to find some idea of who to talk to about what you can't really explain, and don't know how to deal with, and are afraid that anybody else might think you were crazy.

    I just celebrated my 67th birthday, and am really still excited about it. I have been here in the same location since 1989, and have no plans to retire, or change anything.... completely satisfied with my practice, my life, my marriage, and my many many cats!

     My manner of connecting with Spirit and empowering you to celebrate your soul is simple and straightforward.

     I charge for my services as a professional; the exchange of energies is fair, and creates an equitable balance. Since I retired, I am doing fewer personal individual readings, but I will never abandon my old pals!! 

     Remember, I am not offering you a rescue, but solutions. We can optimize your future!! 

     Our sessions are still like having a heart to heart chat with a good friend. I tell you all that you need to know, not just what you want to hear! My calling is as counselor and adviser prevents me from saying anything just because is sounds pretty; it has to be true.

     We cover everything I see; current strengths and weaknesses, trends and direction in life, in career, all aspects of love life and partnership. If there is a wandering in being true to ourselves, I point it out. If there is danger, I tell you how to avoid the rocks and shoals.

     I find so much to talk about in a session!  Not just our strengths and weaknesses, but how to capitalize on one and shore up the other.  Not just the gems of beauty inside, but how to polish and set them in pure spiritual gold!

     I want this to apply to everyone drawn to my site. I describe the environment, what is going on, what the problem is, as they come at us.

     You can pose questions, discern the general trends, and have fun reading the vivant tableaus!

     In childhood, my playmates were fairies, cats, pumpkins, dandelions, and the other children who lived in our house since 1503.

     Now, my BFFs (best friends forever)  include a lady who was executed for her religious views in the time of Elizabeth I; a Catholic priest martyred in the 13th century; a grand Spanish sea captain, and a dashing musketeer.

     These stalwart friends are beacons of light across the ocean of time. Together we can form a bridge, however temporary, which allows messages to come across. Frequently they can escort an actual person, whom you may want to contact.

     As with all my sessions, there is nothing the least bit spooky; no funny raps or weird howls. Just you and I conversing like old friends, connecting to another time, and remarking about this and that, until someone else, who may not have a discernible body, joins in .....


This is Licorice, who became my spirit guide in April. Isn't he the handsomest??? 




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As if you needed even more reason...

    Ronald Reagan, who went from Army private to lieutenant to successful actor to the 40th president of the USA, used astrology regularly.  He was the only US president to escape the curse of Tecumseh, that of being assassinated after an even year 0 year election.  Impressive!!


     All of the freedom fighters whom we call The Founding Fathers were Free Masons, and astrologers.  Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, to name a few.  Said Poor Richard, "Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the wise and the great." 


     Carl Jung said, "We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have qualities of the year and the season in which we are born."


     T. S. Eliot’s epic poem The Waste Land is full of astrological references.


     The Three Wise Men of the East, recognized in the Gospel of Matthew, were Astrologers. 


     The Roman Catholic church is rampant with the trappings of astrology, just look anywhere!! 


     Plato said : "Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself." 


     Albert Einstein: "Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it." 


     Ralph Waldo Emerson : "Astrology is astronomy brought down to earth and applied  toward the affairs of man." 


     JP Morgan : "Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do." 


     Sir Isaac Newton, noted astrologer himself,  said in defense of astrology, to skeptic Edmund Halley, 'I have studied the matter. You, sir, have not.'


    Robert A. Heinlein, the best-selling Sci Fi Author said : "A touchstone to determine the actual worth of an ‘intellectual’, find out how he feels about astrology." 


     Hippocrates, the father of Medicine said,  "A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician." 


    D H Lawrence, the noted classical author, once remarked, "Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time." 


    Louis Pasteur, the biologist who invented the pasteurization process,  "The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in relation with the motions of the universe." 


   Pythagoras view as that "The stars in the heavens sing a music if only we had ears to hear." 


    Donald Reagan – Formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff said : "It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrologers. 

    Some people are afraid of what they might find out... misfortune, broken marriage, sorrows and ruin through bad decisions, divorce, disaster, terrible children...


     But if one knows where these weaknesses and dangers exist, one can take preventive actions, avoid them, or take a different route altogether.  


     Knowledge is power, and forewarned is forearmed.


     It's always better to know what's coming!! 


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